Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The War on Fat

Food battle #1 Our cafeteria has been making wheat rolls for the last several years so you can imagine my surprise when I walked into white roll heaven today! Not to worry, I was not defeated by that warm, gooey, baked goodness! I strolled right on by and enjoyed my zucchini lasagna. #winning

I did enjoy the most delish "proffee" for meal 4.  I have been hooked on cool brew coffee and unsweetened vanilla almond milk with a little Splenda. I make it in a shaker for easy travel so that got me thinking, why not add some protein to this! And voila, the proffee was born! 
Food battle #2 today, the in-laws are passing through in the RV last minute. First thought, oh no! I didn't pack a meal!! Panic sets in. I must stay on track! Just when I finally become okay with eating crap, Subway saves the day! I enjoyed this delish Double Chicken Chopped Salad. Oh my yum, a bowl of sandwich guts! I have recently been in love with the chopped salad, everything mixed together so there's a taste of each ingredient in every bite. 
Oh and that Diet Barq's was an added bonus courtesy of the in-laws 

I feel like my life is a series of battles against food. I am currently winning the war on fat! That said, I choose to live my life and be happy. I will not miss out on a party or the food because it's bad for me. I will indulge and enjoy myself then pick back up at the next meal. Stay tuned for Fridays blog, Louisiana themed food at school. Laissez les bon temp rouler.............

 So here I am.....

Blogging from my trainer. For those of you who are not familiar, this contraption holds my bike and allows me to ride indoors. Brilliant, right? WRONG. This is the worst form of torture, way worse than the "dreadmill". I really really really dislike this thing! I already did not want to get on it at 8pm but had no choice right? Well 8 minutes into my ride the bike falls off the trainer!!! Aghhhhh and this happens

Lovely, just lovely. So I cleaned the shit up and got back on.

Lesson learned today, do not rush to put the bike on the trainer, it will only fall off. 


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