Saturday, June 20, 2015

Indian Creek Triathlon

Fourth triathlon of the season and I was ready to go! It was a fun trip to Woodworth, Louisiana with my good friends. I came out of the swim in 20:04, my fastest swim ever! :55 second T1 and I was on my way.

I felt great on the bike, got to the turn around and my back tire went flat. I immediately panic. Someone comes up behind me and says, just fill it with Co2 it’s not all the way flat! So I’m panicking, crying, and trying to find my co2 and there is none. Why is there no co2 in my spare tire kit???!?!??!? OH because I had the bright idea to steal my ex husband bag off his bike. It was a Bicycle Shop bag and it looked better, makes total sense right? WRONG. I didn’t check the contents of the bag. So another person stops and helps me air up my tire, and I’m on my way. In hind sight I realize I should have just changed the tire then, because obviously it was flat! 2 miles down the road, flat, again. This time I’m not panicking and begin to change the tire. I cannot for the life of me get the damn tire off the rim. For 10 minutes I try to pry it off and end up throwing and retrieving it twice. At this point I am completely flustered and cannot get my shit together. I am 20 minutes behind and finally Precision Bikes shows up. Thank goodness for him because I would have been out on that course until someone realized I was missing and came looking for me. Okay maybe not, but it sure felt like it. I just tell him to take me back I am DONE.

Getting back to the finish line was hard. I was totally okay with my decision until I get back and see the finish line. This feeling of regret and complete failure consumes me. I am immediately a mess again. I search frantically for my friend, Mandi, and when I find her l lose it. She talks me through it and I get myself together. At this point I realize I have to face my coach. Luckily he was totally comforting and assured me it happens to everyone.

I’m still feeling like I should have sucked it up and finished.


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