Monday, June 22, 2015

It's never too late to start over............

I started this blog as a journal for myself, not even thinking that anyone would really read it. I decided I wanted to blog about my running and triathlon journey. This entry is a little more life based. Just some things I have learned about myself in the process.

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” 
 Lao Tzu

Contentment has been a lifelong goal for me. I constantly remind myself I should be content with who I am and with what I have. BUT What if who I was wasn't who I was supposed to be? I never considered that until recently. I could never have been content with the person I was. It's not until recently that I could look in the mirror and be proud of the life I live. The life I have made and share with my son. I am 31 and I am just beginning to peel back the layers and discover the real me. 

I think it’s important to know the things you don’t like about yourself. To actually be able to point out your flaws and be aware of them is powerful. So here are a few things that I wish I were better at; forgiving, shutting my mouth, being patient, and having confidence.

I am learning that forgiveness is a powerful thing. When you can forgive someone who has wronged you, you can do anything. It takes more energy to carry around the burden of a grudge than it does to just forgive. 

Quietness, ahhhh this one. I have always said exactly what is on my mind. This is a struggle for me. Someone once told me "For lack of wood, the fire burns out." That could not be more applicable to my life at this very moment. I am learning to just keep my mouth shut and move forward. Some battles are better left for people to fight within themselves.

Having patience is something that does not come easy for people who struggle with anxiety. I have yet to discover a way to deal with this so I have no words of wisdom on it. Hopefully I’ll figure it out………..

Self-confidence is a struggle for everyone. I don't even think that the most confident person really believes that they can do anything. In my opinion everyone battles within themselves daily. I have learned to fight this battle through self-affirmations and lots of yoga. Repeating, you are enough and you can do this, then I think about the things I have accomplished. 

I truly believe that you are in control of your own self confidence. It's not genetic, people are not born confident. I have learned to be more confident in my adult life. 

 It is important to know your flaws. I think by pointing out the negative in myself I am able to turn it into positive. When I feel like I am behaving in that "old me" way, I redirect myself into the way I want to be. 

Know yourself and you will win all battles. – Sun Tzu


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