Monday, May 23, 2016

Spanish Moss in My Hand............

Sexy Bitches

Race all the races.... My motto, because well, racing is just awesome. I dread training days but love race day. Without race day what are we doing all this work for anyway? I have always been one to overindulge, hence the 85 pound I've had to lose. I'm working on that. So maybe I've traded in food for racing.  So I sign up for too many races, and race them when I shouldn't because I'm injured. I never said I was smart. I am in severe pain today but do I regret yesterday's awesomeness, nope. I don't regret anything I do because every single moment of life is a lesson. And guess what I learned yesterday? That I am a strong ass mother fucker. No no I don't mean She-Ra strong. I mean like Professor X strong. Only I don't control other people's minds just mine. When my foot started hurting running to T1, I knew it would be a tough race. But I pushed through 4 miles at a 10 minute pace and I am damn proud of it. Again, stupid, yes of course. I never said I was smart.

Swim: 1000 yards 24:31 2:07/100
There's nothing quite like starting a race and not knowing the distances. At the swim start I was informed it was a 1000 yard swim and not the 800 I thought. I'm not a bad swimmer, I just don't like it. So I thought well this will be fun. I decided to try out my swim skin for shits and giggles and I loved that thing! At first I just wore it because......well, I felt cool as hell. And it sucks everything in and you look all skinny and shit. Anyway, I think it may have actually helped me swim better! I'm not sure, and there's no way to prove it but I felt awesome and it was one of my faster swims!

T1: 1:12
My transition times are usually sub :60, not sure what the hell happened this time. Maybe getting out of the skin? Saved me 12 seconds in the water but cost me 12 seconds in transition. Perhaps I should reconsider!

Bike: 18 miles 57:43 18.7 MPH
I'm working really hard on my pro flying mount and dismount and well I just can't seem to nail that shit. At Latri I ended up dropping my bike and this time I couldn't get my leg over my back water bottle. I must look like a damn fool out there. So the bike. Note to self, check out distances and race course before jumping in. Don't just show up at races and assume they are all the same sprint distance and flat course.  There were hills. Now I know what you're thinking, humph, just wait until you get to San Francisco. Anyway, I just wasn't prepared once again, however I worked so damn hard for that 18.7 average. My legs felt like they were going to explode for most of the ride!

T2: 1:03
Not too bad on time here, I had to put socks on because I had a small blister on my toe from some sandals I wore the day before like an idiot. I don't normally wear socks for sprint tris.

Run: 40:42 10:11 average pace
Ohhhh the run. So I'm dealing with this awful, terrible, horrible, plantar fasciitis and it hurt the second I put my shoes on. It hurt like a mother for the entire first mile. I don't know why but after about a mile it settled down. It still hurt but not so bad I had to stop. So, I approach the first water station at mile 1,  grab my water and stroll on through. I'm thinking okay half a mile and you're at the turn around. Well I'm at half a mile later and people are turning but not around, they are turning and running up a giant hill! Again, note to self: check the distances on races prior to the race. This was a 4 mile run not the 3.1 I expected. So I think okay I got this I'm not dying, shut up foot. That hill hurt. All of them hurt. I mean I'm sure in the grand scheme of things those hills were tiny, I mean this is south Louisiana, but to me, they were Everest. At about 3.5, when I am all in my head talking myself up and zoned out, I hear someone say "Hey you're from Baton Rouge right?" She saved my life, we chatted and it totally took my mind off my foot and I made it to the finish line. Of course not without tripping and rolling my ankle in true Jessica fashion. Thanks Mike for the finish line shout out also. I was hoping no one saw me but they did, in fact he announced it to everyone. Big thanks to Francis for collecting and saving the giant rock that I tripped on. Such an awesome teammate.....

Crawfishman 2016 was honestly one of the best races I've raced. The venue was incredible. The food was literally the best post race food I've ever had. The medals are AMAZING! Of course I would expect nothing less from the race director he knows how to put on one kick ass race!

Overall time:

5th place AG
Body marking because I still cant get my crap together and get tritats like a pro

 Big Sexy at the race, Paige and Adam volunteered while Rebecca, Michael, Francis, Sherry (not pictured) and I raced! 

 These sexy boys podiumed! Is that a word? YUP
 *not my beer*
 The amazing food I talked about, grilled zucchini, squash, and pineapple! 
These medals are the SHIT! It's a bottle opener! 
Spanish moss in my hand, turn me into crawfishman.......


Monday, May 9, 2016

Louisiana Tri

Louisiana Triathlon is one of my absolute favorite races. It’s put on by Rocketkidz Foundation and some amazing race directors!
The weekend started by checking into the most amazing little cottage in New Roads. If you registered by a certain time they were giving away a weekend package. It included a 2 nights stay at LeJuene St. House, 50$ to Satterfield’s, 50$ to Ma Mama’s, 2 paddle board rentals, and a gift basket from the local grocery story Langlois’. My friend and fellow triathlete, Jenn, won that awesome prize and took me along! How lucky am I?? So we checked into the cottage then headed to packet pick up. We were so close to the venue we walked pretty much {pretty much right Jenn?} everywhere. After we got our packets we did a little shake out ride and returned to get dressed for dinner. Dinner was at Morel’s with some of Jenn’s Hard Inc. teammates. I love meeting new people especially connecting with triathletes and learning more about the sport and races. After dinner we headed back to the house to get out things ready for race day.

Stuck to my whole 30 all weekend! 

Race morning was typical. Got up, pooped, ate, and got dressed. Nothing new same routine. Only I’m still on whole 30 and really really really missing my bagel and cookie butter, but I digress.

We packed up and rode our bikes to the race site and began setting up transition. I donated to Rocketkidz Foundation and was able gain VIP access at the race! This gave me a special rack with 19 others. We also were able to start in the first swim wave. I liked getting an early start. A little friendly competition/bet was set pre-race with 2 other ladies in the 30-34 age group. Last one out of the water bought the first round. I knew I wouldn’t be last but I knew I wouldn’t be first! I love having this competition because it really pushes me to race harder. Calli and I were both VIP so we started together. Jenn started in our AG wave so I didn’t know where she was the entire race I just knew I needed to push because I was getting those 14 seconds back!
I'm still learning this whole #looklikeapro TriTats thing.....

I felt really good on the swim and I think that’s a problem lately. I’m afraid to push and get too tired too soon. It’s so hard to judge my time out there and I’ve been disappointed the last few races with my swim time. Next race I’m going to push it harder. I knew Calli had beat me out of the water because when they said go she took off! 19:28 later I’m out of the water and running to T1, I hear cheers from friends for me and then for Jacob…..uhmmmm yea, he started way after me and managed to get out at the same time. At this point I knew my swim was slow and didn’t even want to see my time. I turned around and said “No, fucking way you’re behind me!” Of course he was in the zone and not even listening.

T1 went swiftly as planned 52 seconds! I swear if transition were a sport I would win every time. I’m not sure how I get through it so fast because everything feels like slow motion!
Off on the bike, I felt fantastic the entire ride. I ended up passing Calli around mile 2 and said a quick “YOU WIN!” There were other words exchanged but I can’t recall what. Have I mentioned how much I love these girls and our competition?? Because I do. Bike time was 59:52 with an 18.6 average pace. I’m proud of it but I wanted faster.

T2:……. Well let’s talk dismount first. So I’m new to the flying mount and dismount, I NAILED the mount. The dismount didn’t go as planned. My feet were out of my shoes I was ready to go and then I get to the line and there are people EVERYWHERE. My mind said don’t do it. You’ll fall. You’ll be embarrassed. So I just stopped and dismounted as usual, Then, proceeded to throw my bike down on the way in, in front of said crowd. Guess I should have tried it anyway. So back to T2, 54 seconds and I was off on the run.
When I started the run my foot was KILLING me. Like so bad I thought about quitting. It eventually worked itself out and I was okay. The run was 2 1.5 mile loops and I thought I would hate it but I loved it. It was great! I surprised myself and ran much faster than I thought I could or would. For the first time ever I didn’t choke!! Not going to lie I was looking behind me for my girl DJ Calli Cal the whole time! Run time: 29:42 9:35 pace
When I finally returned home I had the biggest smile on my face. It has been a seriously long time since I have crossed the finish line knowing I left it all on the course. I knew that I had given that race all that I could and I accomplished a lot. I beat my time from last year by 7 mins. The best thing about triathlon is having the ability to race others, but also race yourself every time. Every time I get out there I set out to beat myself. To better myself. It’s so much fun to compete with Calli and Jenn but so much more rewarding to beat your yesterday. To be better than you were before.

Total time: 150:49
AG: 5th
Overall: 29th

There were some fast bitches out on the course. Like fas fas! I hope that I can keep pushing myself to be as fast as them one day because they literally kicked my ass! Shout out to those fast ladies in F30-34 and thank you for pushing me to be a better me! 

Super proud of you Nic! You have come so far and your hard work and determination is inspiring! Keep pushing you are going to crush Augusta!!! 

 Hanging with my sexy bitches at the bar
 Cheri is seriously the best! Thanks for the amazing race pics! #1 race bitch
 Speedy pants Francis Snagging 3rd in his age group. 
 My partner in crime CRUSHED the beginner division winning FIRST OVERALL FEMALE. I'm so proud of her progress with open water swimming.

 When you socialize all day your the last ones with stuff in transition....oops.

Peace out New Roads! 